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Stop Saying “how Was Your Night”, Here’s What To Say Instead •

Learning English is like learning how to drive a car or a bicycle, but unlike vehicles learning English takes place everywhere in the world.

This can be why learning the essential rules of English Language becomes imperative.

You can not do well in English Language if you’re not ready to listen to the basic corrections in English.

Below are a number of the grammatical errors in English that we speak everyday. Please endeavour to require corrections and apply it on your daily spoken English.

Don’t say/call it——————————————–Say/call it

Ear piece———————————————————Ear Phone

Escape goat——————————————————A scape goat

I have ten sheeps—————————————–I have ten sheep

Mother in laws————————————————–Mothers in law

Plate number—————————————————Number plate

Open teeth—————————————————–Gap tooth

K-leg————————————————————Knock knees

Many peoples————————————————–Many people

He gave me an advice———————————He gave me a chunk of recommendation

Down Nepa———————————————————–Power Outage

Up Nepa————————————————————–Power has been restored

I have two trousers———————————‘—–I have two pairs of trousers.

One of the boy is here———————————-One of the boys is here

Where you brush your teeth within the bathroom is named Brushing tub and not sink.

Drinking water———————————————-Drinkable water

Driving licence———————————————-Driver’s licence

I like watching movies———————————‘—–I like seeing movies

Keke Napep———————————————————Tricycle

I have a shoe——————————————————I have a pair of shoes

Commissioner’s quarter———————————–Commissioner’s quaters

I was bitten by rain————————————————-I was drenched

I saw your missed calls—————————————I missed your call

How Was Your Night——————————————Hope you slept well?

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